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Bridging Our Future

Intel's vision for the classroom of the not too distant future.

Intel. (2016, April 25). Bridging our future long intel 1 [Video file]. Retrieved from

Using Technology to Engage Learners

Refer to Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology (4th ed.), by Robert A. Reiser and John V. Dempsey. Identify three to five learning engagement principles from the readings. In your own words, provide a 150–250-word response for each principle, as a comment to this blog, describing how Phillips, Phillips, and Nicholas (2018) explain when the transfer of learning actually occurs. Remember to use proper APA-style formatting for in-text citations and references in your writing.

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Mar 15, 2020

1) Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) In the referred video, the learning experience for the student has been enriched with multiple learning engagement principles, from a combination of multiple learning theories, such as objectivism and constructivism, to learning engagement strategies like delivering digital content, interactivity, social, emotional, visual, multimedia and gamification all together. Such elements aid the student not only to learn any given content but to aid them in constructing collective knowledge that sparks creativity and leads to better problem solving making any given content as their own to be ingrained in the student. The referred video demonstrates the uses of computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) systems in practice and the student experiences to keep them engaged with visuals, interactivity, collaboration, emotion…

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