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Museums Test New Technology, Interactive Exhibits

Technology is set to revolutionize the museum experience as institutions test immersive exhibits and look for new ways to engage visitors.

Wall Street Journal. (2015, October 15). Museums test new technology, interactive exhibits [video file]. Retrieved from

Engaging an Audience Through Interactivity

What does Peters (2013) say about better learning through multimedia? Identify three to five learning engagement principles discussed by Peters. You should have 150 - 250 words written, for each principle identified, paraphrasing from the book, Interface Design for Learning, as a comment to this blog. Remember to use proper APA-style formatting for in-text citations and references in your writing.

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Mar 09, 2020

1) Multimedia = Better Learning In the referred video, museums are adopting new interactive technologies to fully engage the learning in a more immersive way. It is proven that learning is more attainable by combining multiple senses rather than relying only on visual or text alone, according to a psychologist, Richard Mayer. The visual component adopted by these museums are being paired with elements, videos, animations, and simulation, to engage the learner in a more creative interactivity manner, leading the learner into an immersion of multiple senses experience for learning. This concept is also known as multimedia learning. Since visual elements “have been conclusively shown to lead to better learning experiences”, by mixing it with multimedia elements, we are leadin…

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